(ˌpaɪəˈnɪərɪŋ ˈspɪrɪt ) noun. a willingness to endure hardship in order to explore new places or try out new things
“And the reason it’s hard is that while people tend to think that there’s a computer system on the back end, the system that makes the claim, it’s no...
What formative career experiences aren’t on your resume?So often FB, LinkedIn, and the like, present a polished, sanitized version of ourself. But of...
A long time ago, before the plague years, California’s capitol rotunda housed a statue of Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella with bold words abo...
*This post is part of the information avalanche series. Part 1 lives here. Part 2 lives here.*How much does a hipster weigh?An “insta” gram. Har har ...
*This post is part of the information avalanche series. Part 1 lives here. *“Context is that which is scarce.” -Tyler CowenI lit up the Technolog...
Some initial thoughts…. epistemic status: summarizing reflections that I’ve been mulling for several years but things that I’m still testing and refi...